Saturday, December 1, 2007

Guess what!

Guess what Mommy and Daddy got today!....... Yes! they got a CLUE!
They finaly figured out how to add links to some of my friends' blogs as well as add cool new things to my blog.

We had a very nice thanksgiving, I even got to sit at the table (it took a little crying). Dad broke some kind of world record for pieces of pie eaten without taking a breath, and Mom broke another's becoming a Thanksgiving tradition but I bet she won't have to do dishes next year!! No scars this year though. We could all tell that Grandma June was looking down from heaven and laughing.
Over the last few days I have been interviewing assistants (I think you call them daycare providers), So far Mommy has called over 50 and I have only approved of one aside from a center. The daycare center is very expensive, they are asking for a precentage of my first NFL singing bonus when I make it bigtime. Mommy goes back to work in two weeks but then I get to hang with Dad for a week before Christmas. Since the rents already got the best thing they could have dreamed of for Christmas (ME!), I thought I could go big too so I asked for a Porshe.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Who the heck put an X in my name?

Sunday is my favorite day of the week because I get to watch football with Dad, allthough the Vikings are a bunch of pansies. I can't wait until I am old enough to go to a game. Maybe next year.
I pee in my bathwater

This is my great Grandma Gertrude, she just had a birthday!
This is me and some of my friends. The hot chick in the red is Mom, and the other pretty lady who is holding me in the "yum yum time" position is Gina

My first Halloween

Saturday, September 22, 2007

This is me on the changing table. I really don't like to be changed but it needs to happen, I poop a lot!

This is my Daddy Andy, he says a lot of funny stuff and doesn't smell as good as mommy not to mention he has NO MILK. He is a lot of fun to play with because he is always smiling, I think he really likes being my Daddy.

This is Grampa Thyen, he is a softy just like dad the apple never seem to fall to far from tree in this family....unless I rip the tree out of the ground and throw a mile or two.

This is Granny and Gramps Zitzow, look a the mits on this guy. I 'm lucky to have them cuz mom and pops are straight up LOCO

Easy now, OK take a breath, yes it's true I am this good looking. Feel free to download this pix, enlarge it, and hang it in your house.
Bingo... now you got yourself some fine art.