Saturday, September 22, 2007

This is me on the changing table. I really don't like to be changed but it needs to happen, I poop a lot!

This is my Daddy Andy, he says a lot of funny stuff and doesn't smell as good as mommy not to mention he has NO MILK. He is a lot of fun to play with because he is always smiling, I think he really likes being my Daddy.

This is Grampa Thyen, he is a softy just like dad the apple never seem to fall to far from tree in this family....unless I rip the tree out of the ground and throw a mile or two.

This is Granny and Gramps Zitzow, look a the mits on this guy. I 'm lucky to have them cuz mom and pops are straight up LOCO

Easy now, OK take a breath, yes it's true I am this good looking. Feel free to download this pix, enlarge it, and hang it in your house.
Bingo... now you got yourself some fine art.